Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Progression of Human life: How far can that go?

Around the third term at ISB, I got fed up hearing about, ‘India is growing growing n growing’ almost every day. I was honestly not sure of what this growth translated into or what it is supposed to do since we are pursuing it very actively. The biggest question now become, ‘what does growth or development mean?’ Does it mean we become more intelligent and life becomes convenient? Another way of saying this is, we become more loaded with information and need to stretch a lot (urban life) or we become lazy.
Since there was always the other side of the growth, I began to wonder what it means in plain terms. Luckily, there comes Shiva Kumar to teach GSBC who defined growth from the eyes of the citizens of the world and showed the millennium goals. This made sense. They need to have economic freedom, access to health care, proper sanitation, basic education, equal rights etc. He said giving all human being the choice or the opportunity is termed as human development.
We all started as farmers, became industrial workers (remember Chaplin’s ‘Modern times?’) and now knowledge workers. The goal of this knowledge revolution is based on removing information asymmetry and providing everyone (at least a large fraction of them) access to all knowledge in the world. Though IT has changed our lives for ever, we can still see that there is great deal of penetration that is still required. Do I have the expert system that can respond with accurate information that I need to build my career path? How many times, we use the combination of Google, research databases and despair that we do not precisely get the information we need. Does RFID create the most perfect supply chain? Still information gaps exist in large scale. Information is either in people’s minds or becomes too difficult to track. Long way to go! As we moved along, division of labour became the key. When more people are empowered with knowledge, generalists are hard to survive. In future, even companies may have to specialize and even CEO of these companies may need to be some kind of specialist (these trends have started appearing in technology industry).
Assuming we reach a stage, where there is perfect information in the world, perfect organic solidarity in terms of division of labour, and all millennium goals have been achieved, what next?

I am trying hard to predict the next wave of human progress or growth. But unfortunately nothing comes to my mind. Couple of things that lingers in my mind: This ultra-modern man will be very sophisticated at the same time tied up to machines (Am I cynical here?). We did not remain as farmers. We moved ahead and became industrial labourers, managers, scientists and innovators. So I guess there will be new roles created for man when the appropriate time arrives. I wish I foresee the future man.


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